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Technorati Suffers Major Data Accuracy Loss

My link count was 262 last night, this morning it’s 220?

This is just plain wrong as I did not have a major linking event 180 days ago. I’m emailing this to David Sifry and Adam Herst and expect a quick resolution of this issue and a restoration of my ranking along with an explanation as to how it occurred.

Technorati is rapidly becoming unstable. It’s losing data or not reading certain blogs while double or triple counting the links of other blogs.

UPDATE: This link was not counted this morning.

UPDATE #2: Adam Herst has contacted me to say they were doing a test of a new feature they are testing and did not know it was going live.

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Google Experimenting With Blogs Button in Main Search Results

As you know, I strongly advocate blog search being a top level option on all search engines. Now with selection of category on the top bar, there is even less excuse not to do this on a permanent basis. Now Google is showing signs of experimenting with this via universal search on a case by case basis depending on the search term. Before I go on, I feel that I should disclose that I’m an undecided voter in the 2008 Presidential election.

Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton now show Web, Images, News and Blogs in their search result selectors!

Ron Paul, the candidate with tons of video viewing activity now shows Web, News, Blogs and Video. This shows a customization that is occurring, either video submission or video viewing trends to change the view to video from images. It would be interesting to see the Ron Paul supporters reaction to this.

One result that puzzles me is that of Dennis Kucinich, the search results only show Web. This is odd to me because I know he has active blogosphere results and has had a trend of increased video views. It makes me ponder whether Google might have something against Dennis Kucinich? Is there any history here? Or is this just some random event? I look forward to seeing your posts on this.

A result that baffles me more is that of Matt Cutts. When I think Matt Cutts, I think blogs, yet his results show only Web and Video! Strange indeed.

There is clearly other things going on as well. A search on the Rolling Stones currently returns Web, Music, News, Images, Video and yes even Groups.

Again, Google should act to add blogs permanently to all search results so they are not perceived as favoring the mainstream media. What do you think of these variations? What unique examples can you find? I appreciate your thinking about these complex issues and joining the discussion via a post of your own on these issues.


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Mazda March 2007 Test Drive VISA Gift Card Not Received After 8 Weeks

I got an email from Mazda in March to get a $25 VISA Gift Card for taking a test drive. I’m considering buying a new car in the not too distant future to replace my aging Acura Integra (I should be buying another Acura but they no longer make cars with appropriate headroom for a 6’3″ adult – but alas this is another post).

I completed the test drive, mailed in the form and 8 weeks later I still have not received this gift card. It appears I have plenty of company as well based on these message board posts. Not a good way to treat prospects of your 5 figure products. If you can’t send a gift card in a timely manner, does this experience build confidence that you will be dealt with fairly if something went wrong with your new Mazda? No.

When companies are creating incentives to interact with their products and services why aren’t they realizing that how the experience is handled can have considerable impact on their brand – either positive or negative?

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Happy Memorial Day 2007

It’s not just a day for a BBQ with your friends. It’s a day to remember and thank those who gave their fellow U.S. citizens the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms which we enjoy today.

I’d ask that you please honor their memory by fully familiarizing yourself with the candidates running for President in 2008. Not based on mainstream media or historical political dogma, but instead based on your own independent study of the issues of our times so that you may make an informed decision and participate in our Republic. Think for yourself, then discuss with your neighbors. It is what I’m doing as an undecided voter. It is my opinion that this is the best way you can honor these fallen soldiers which will hopefully ensure a bright future for our country. Thank you.

Based on Wikipedia, these are the announced and likely candidates:

Candidates for the Democratic Party:
Senator Joe Biden of Delaware
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York
Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut
Former Senator John Edwards of North Carolina
Former Senator Mike Gravel of Alaska
Representative Dennis Kucinich of Ohio
Senator Barack Obama of Illinois
Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico
Potential candidates:
Retired General Wesley Clark of Arkansas
Former Vice President Al Gore of Tennessee

Candidates for the Republican Party:
Senator Sam Brownback of Kansas
Former Governor Jim Gilmore of Virginia
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York
Former Governor Mike Huckabee of Arkansas
Representative Duncan Hunter of California
Senator John McCain of Arizona
Representative Ron Paul of Texas
Former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts
Representative Tom Tancredo of Colorado
Former Governor Tommy Thompson of Wisconsin
Potential candidates:
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia
Former Senator and actor Fred Thompson of Tennessee

Candidates for the Constituton Party:
James Gilchrist of California
Dale Thompson of Kentucky

Candidates for the Green Party:
Elaine Brown of Georgia
Kat Swift, co-chair of Texas Green Party
Alan Augustson of Chicago, Illinois
Kent Mesplay, California Delegate to the Green National Committee
Potential candidates:
Ralph Nader of Connecticut
Former Representative Cynthia McKinney of Georgia
Rebecca Rotzler of New York

Candidates for the Libertarian Party:
Mike Jingozian of Oregon
Bob Jackson of Michigan
Steve Kubby of California
George Phillies of Massachusetts
Christine Smith of Colorado
Potential candidates:
Barry Hess of Arizona
Robert W. Milnes of New Jersey
Wayne Allyn Root of Nevada
Kent McManigal of Pennsylvania

Candidates running as Independents:
Dustin R. Gray of Pennsylvania
James H. Mccall of Ohio
Donald K. Allen of Ohio
Steve Adams of Kentucky
David Koch of Utah
John Taylor Bowles of South Carolina
Potential candidates:
Francis Playfair of Louisiana
David J. Masters of North Carolina
Jeff Shapiro of Indiana
Rumored candidates:
Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City
Senator Chuck Hagel of Nebraska

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Google Search Activity by Trends

Barry Schwartz started a meme on Google Search Activity by Trends and I was tagged by Cshel to join the discussion.

Well, I’ve turned off search history because I’m taking a wait and see attitude about the whole issue. I don’t currently see a lot of value in seeing my searches in a graph by hour of day versus the potential cost of having this data stored and I see more potential downsides than upsides at this point, but I hope time proves my caution unwarranted.

So, I’ll tag:

Greg Sterling

Bill Slawski

Lee Odden

Jason Bartholme

Adam Lasnik (How is that paper airplane post coming along btw?)