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Happy First Blog Birthday

One year ago today, I started and made my first post on this blog! More importantly, I started an international and quite unpredictable journey of connectedness, friendship acquisition, learning, assumption questioning and personal growth that still amazes me on a daily basis by it’s power to transform my life and the people around me in positive and forceful ways. I’ve had people that I’ve never met provide introductions to people that have changed my life in ways I could not have imagined and have had acts of kindness and generosity that are simply too numerous to list.

In this first year, I’ve teethed, bruised myself and made some mistakes! In the next year, I hope to start walking as I progress from my crawling phase.

Sometimes people ask me what my goals are for this blog. In the short-term, they are career oriented as I am seeking a leadership position in a transformative, growth company, in the long term they about doing everything I can to make the world a better experience for everyone.

So my primary goals are:

1) Using my financial services, Internet and high growth company experiences and competencies to become one of the world’s leaders in mobile search and monetization. It is my belief that over time the lines between financial services, search and social networks will blur in ways that will amaze the world.

2) Use the Peter Drucker principles and quotes I live to help craft and execute elite experiences for those who interact with the companies I’ve serve in the future.

3) Build a transformative relationships in everyday life, as a business keynote speaker at conferences and within the blogosphere.

I thank you for your love and support during this first year and I look forward to the year to come being even better. Give yourself a round of well deserved applause and tell your friends and neighbors what a good job you’ve done supporting me! See you soon. Thanks again!

13 thoughts on “Happy First Blog Birthday

  1. Happy Blog Birthday Day, David!
    How exiciting! YEA!

  2. Happy anniversary, David.

    The act of putting yourself and your ideas out into the world everyday, and providing thoughtful and interesting posts can be both a brave and an enriching experience.

    Best wishes to an even better upcoming year.

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Hey, happy blog birthday! The same day you posted this, I posted my website birthday (my blog b-day is next month)!

    Jason Alba
    CEO –

  5. Thanks everyone. I appreciate the thoughts and compassion! Don’t be a stranger here or via phone.

  6. Happy blog birthday! I remember feeling that way about mine and I’ve now had a second birthday! It sometimes amazes me I have so much to write about 🙂

  7. Funny how so many at SOBCon are close in age! Congrats, David!! 😀

  8. Happy Birthday! How exciting! Can’t wait till you learn to walk at age two! Nah, kidding. You’ve done so much in your first year, it’s amazing. Keep doing it!

  9. Happy blog-birthday! How does one celebrate their blog birthday anyway?

  10. With link love of course!

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